Beach Babe

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Shoutouts to My Friends
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Friends Photo Album
Backstreet Boys
Aaron Carter
R.I.P. Alex Micheal Tourville
Welcome to my site!

Hey ya'll! How is everyone? I am doing great! Well, I figured that since everyone else in the world has a website I had to have one, too! Here it is!!

On this site I will have a page about me and some pictures of my friends. The pics that I have are made by me. This site also has many different cartoon dolls to choose from. There is also a page dedicated to Alex and there is also a page on reviews. I have also included some of my favorite songs' lyrics. This site will also have info about the Backstreet Boys and Aaron Carter. Well I know that my friends hate them, but oh well get over it!
I'll update this site frequently, so make sure to check back every once in awhile.



What's New?

7.7.03 - I got my new website up and running!!! It's not quite done yet but you can go see what I have done so far!!!
7.25.03 - I am going to Lumberjack Days to go see America play and Danielle is coming with me!!! It was so much fun and I can't wait to go see them again (except we had to wait a lot time before they came on but we got FRONT ROW)!!!
7.26-28.03 - I am going to be in New York and Canada!!! I am going to see Niagara Falls!!! It was awesome!!! I went and saw the Falls upclose and personally it was so beautiful!!! God did a wonderful job making them!!!
8.22-24.03 - I am going to a camp and some of my friends and I are running the camp!!! This is going to be so much fun!!! But the only bad thing about it is that Heather and I can't go to the Aaron Carter Concert so we are kind of depressed about that!!! Well I am at least cuz I love Aaron but that's a different story!!!
2.20-22.04 - Going to Duluth again with the Girls it was a blast again!!! You all know what I mean, the guys made it so fun!!!
3.5.04 - SNOW DAY!!!
3.24.04 - Lizzie's Birthday!!! Have an awesome birthday Liz and remember to have fun!!!
4.15.04 - Youth Summit in Rosemount!!! It was so much fun meeting new people and taking all the decorations!!! LOL!!!
4.23.04 - Pine Bend Carnival and some other fun stuff with Matt!!!
4.29.04 - The School Musical was so awesome this year!!! Good job all!!!
5.2.04 - Katie's Birthday!!! Have an awesome day!!!
5.6.04 - Jamie's Birthday!!! Hope you have a great day and remember to be careful!!! :D
5.10.04 - Katie and Nikki's Birthday!!! You two have an awesome day and remember to have a little fun!!! LOL!!!
5.12.04 - Keith's Birthday!!! Have a great birthday!!! Award Ceremony in IGH!!!
5.20.04 - Gold Award Ceremony!!!
5.21.04 - Band-Aid!!! Come and support the bands and cheer them on and rock out!!! It'll be a great time!!! WHOOP WHOOP!!!
5.30.04 - My Mom's Birthday!!!
6.3.04 - Alyssa's Birthday!!! Hope you have an awesome birthday!!!
6.10.04 - LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!!!
6.20.04 - Father's Day!!!
7.3.04 - Danielle and Steve's Birthday!!! Both of you have an awesome birthday and remember to have some fun!!! :D
7.4.04 - Happy 4th of July!!! Be careful with those fireworks!!! Had some fun over at Danielle's with her family after work!!!
7.6.04 - Kris's Birthday!!! Have an awesome day and I am sorry I couldn't make it to your party!!!
7.8.04 - Heidi's Birthday!!! Have the bestest birthday ever and always remember WHOOP WHOOP!!! And remember to take it easy since you can drive now!!! LOL!!!
7.10.04 - Michelle's Birthday!!! Have a great day Wee-Wee and remember to be careful and have a little fun!!!
7.15-17.04 - SonShine Festival 2004!!! It was one of the best experiences of my life!!! Everyone was so accepting of everyone else and so open and outgoing it was the best!!!
7.24-8.1.04 - Hawaii with Michelle!!! It was so much fun!!! I can't believe how much we got to do in that week!!! It was one of the best experiences of my life!!! Thank you so much Wee-Wee!!!
8.4-11.04 - Albert Lea visiting my dad!!! It was pretty fun just seeing more of the city and everything!!!
8.9.04 - Heather's Birthday!!! Have the best birthday ever!!! Remember to have fun and be careful!!!
8.25.04 - Tami's Birthday!!!
8.26.04 - Clay Aiken is coming to the State Fair and I have front row center seats!!! OH YEAH!!! Aiken for Clay, That Was The Best Day!!!
8.28-29.04 - Encampment with my girlies!!!
9.3.04 - Martina McBride Concert!!! That was an awesome concert!!! Especially with Blue County and Gretchen Wilson!!!
9.10.04 - Lynx game with the FFH Concert right after!!! That was so much fun just singing along and praising God at the same time!!! Simley is playing SSP at Home 7PM!!!
9.11.04 - Star City Days Parade in the morning and Fireworks at night!!!
9.10-12.04 - Star City Days!!!
9.16.04 - I GOT MY BRACES OFF!!! YEAH!!!
10.1.04 - Ang's Birthday!!! Have the best birthday ever and remember to stay out of trouble but I know you will!!!
10.14.04 - Lostprophets and Story of the Year Concert!!! Which was awesome by the way!!!
10.16.04 - Amy's Birthday!!! Have an awesome 18th birthday!!!
10.17.04 - Annie's Birthday!!! Have a great 18th birthday!!!
11.6.04 - Good Charlotte Concert!!! It was so much fun I was only one person for the front and I was right in front of Joel!!!
11.19.04 - The Spongebob Squarepants Movie comes out and I am going con mi amiga Dangar!!!
11.18-21.04 - Fall Play at Simley!!! It was so awesome that I went and saw it twice!!! Bravo to the whole cast!!!
11.27.04 - Albert Lea Tournament (going to cheer on Simley)!!!
12.2.04 - Toni's Birthday!!! Have the bestest 18th birthday and remember to be careful out there!!!
12.4.04 - Keith Urban Concert!!! It was so much fun, he was awesome!!!
12.12.04 - Charlene's Birthday!!! Have the best 18th birthday ever and keep having fun!!!
12.17-26.04 - Cruise con mi familia para Navidad!!!
12.23.04-1.2.05 - NO SCHOOL!!! WINTER BREAK!!!
12.24.04 - Christmas Eve!!!
12.25.04 - Christmas Day!!!
12.31.04 - Tara's Birthday!!! Have the greatest 18th birthday you can possibly have!!! New Year's Eve!!!
1.1.05 - New Year's Day!!! New Year's was fun this year!!!
1.17.05 - NO SCHOOL!!! Visiting Gustavus!!!
1.20-23.05 - One-Act Plays!!!
1.28.05 - NO SCHOOL!!!
2.6.05 - Cate's Birthday!!! Have the best 18th birthday ever!!!
2.12.05 - Matt's Birthday!!! Have an awesome birthday!!! You're going to be 18 so stay out of trouble!!! Oh my little boy is getting so big!!! LOL!!!
2.14.05 - Valentine's Day!!! <3
2.17.05 - Zoologico con mi clase de espanol!!!
2.21.05 - NO SCHOOL!!!
2.26.05 - My Dad's Birthday!!!
3.11.05 - NO SCHOOL!!!
3.17.05 - St. Patrick's Day!!!
3.24.05 - Lizzie's Birthday!!! Have a great 18th birthday and remember to stay out of trouble!!!
3.25.05 - NO SCHOOL!!! Good Friday!!!
3.27.05 - Easter!!!
3.25-4.3.05 - Spring Break!!!
4.14-17.05 - Joseph and the Technocolored Dream Coat!!! Spring Musical!!!
4.28-5.1.05 - Georgia with my girls!!!
5.5.05 - Cinco de Mayo!!! Audio A, Kutless, tobyMAC, and Hawk Nelson at Concordia for an unforgetable concert!!!
5.6.05 - Jamie's Birthday!!! Have a great birthday and remember to have an awesome time!!!
5.8.05 - Mother's Day!!!
5.10.05 - Nikki and Katie's Birthday!!! Have an awesome birthday you two!!!
5.14.05 - Prom!!!
